Nexa Autocolor brand has developed the Premium Primer Surfacer: P565-5701/5/7, a fast drying primer that combines process speed and ease of application with excellent sanding properties. It has a quick and user-friendly application and can be left to air dry overnight in temperatures less than 20ºC; improving Bodyshop efficiency without compromising on the quality of the final finish.
These new primers can be applied in two ways - high build mode and by roll priming. As well as offering reduced stock holding, the ability to roll prime means that less materials are used – masking & cups, spray booth can be utilised for topcoat and of course it can be left overnight to dry.
They can be over coated with both AQUABASE® Plus waterborne basecoat and 2K® HS Plus direct gloss.
With the introduction of this range, Nexa Autocolor brand reinforces its position as a market leader in innovative product.
This new Plastic Additive for Primers has been designed to be used with P565-5601/5605/5607 Self Levelling Primer. It replaces the thinner in the primer mix and enables it to be used directly over plastic, increasing throughput whilst saving on material usage.
The use of Plastic Additive optimises the process by reducing the time to prepare new panels, and provides a ‘holding mode’ with a re-coat window of several days. Further to this, using P852-1670 in Self Levelling Primer eliminates the need to use a separate Adhesion Promoter for Plastics; saving significant process in plastic repair, through application, flash off and equipment cleaning savings. These savings contribute to increasing bodyshop productivity and profitability.
As with every product from Nexa Autocolor, the new Plastic Additive for primer has been developed with ease of use as a focus to its design, which helps to achieve an outstanding finish result.
Nexa Autocolor, Aquabase and 2K are registered trademarks and Bringing innovation to the surface is a trademark of PPG Industries Ohio, Inc.
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